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Search Land - Gillespie County | Pecan Creek Ranch | NW of Fredericksburg

Gillespie County | Pecan Creek Ranch | NW of Fredericksburg

MLS #TX1226072
Loudon Rd, Fredericksburg, TX
Status: Active
Property Type
Hunting Land
Recreational Land
441 acres
Gillespie, TX
Wildlife Feeders
List Date
Aug 1, 2024
SUMMARY Pecan Creek Ranch is 441± acres and is located in one of the more sought-after areas of Gillespie County. This raw-land ranch is a blank canvas featuring both sides of prized Pecan Creek, which runs through the middle of the property. The creek is a tremendous feature and a rare find when considering live-water ranches in close proximity to town. Beautiful rolling terrain with multiple build sites to choose from with long-range views. Paved Loudon Road bisects the ranch, running through the property for over half of a mile. Situated in a prime location, only 11± miles from Fredericksburg! OVERVIEW Beautiful live water and impressive hilltop views make this one of the more well-rounded ranches available in the Fredericksburg area. The highlight of the ranch is beautiful Pecan Creek, which runs through the property on both sides for 3,950’±. The creek has a rock bottom in several places and has large hardwoods that line its banks. Intermittent springs have been located along the creek, adding to the splendor of this fantastic live-water feature. Beautiful hilltops with long-range views provide incredible potential build sites for a primary residence or weekend getaway retreat. Surrounded by good-sized neighboring ranches, Pecan Creek Ranch is nestled in a peaceful Hill Country setting and only a 15± minute drive from popular Fredericksburg. Incredible hunting, hiking, and exploring opportunities can be found across the ranch. The ranch has served as a recreational, hunting, and cattle ranch within the same family for generations. Perimeter-low fencing is in place. It is under an AG Exemption, and electricity is readily available. LOCATION Pecan Creek Ranch is 11± miles northwest of Fredericksburg, Texas, along paved Loudon Road. • 65± miles from Marble Falls • 80± miles from San Antonio • 90± miles from Austin • 240± miles from Houston • 250± miles from Midland/Odessa LAND The landscape is diverse, with the perfect combination of hilltops, draws, and beautiful Pecan Creek frontage. The terrain on the ranch has a nice roll to it, with elevations ranging from 1,960’± asl to 2,100’± asl. The main hilltops are accessible and provide stunning Hill Country vistas. There are two main draws traversing through the ranch, eventually arriving at Pecan Creek. Along these draws are groupings of large hardwoods and seasonal pockets of water. Pecan Creek is the highlight of the ranch, flowing through the middle of the property for 3,950'±. The creek meanders across rock-bottom sections and pools up in other areas. Hardwoods reside along the creek bank and bottomland, which include massive native pecan and large cedar elms. A variety of additional native tree species exist on other parts of the ranch, which include live oak, post oak, blackjack oak, walnut, and juniper. A thick array of native grasses cover the landscape. IMPROVEMENTS The ranch is void of any significant structural improvements. WILDLIFE Wildlife is abundant, with frequent sightings of whitetail deer, turkey, dove, and other animals native to the Hill Country. WATER There is an old windmill on the ranch that is currently not in operation. Pecan Creek, which runs through the ranch on both sides for 3,950'±, is the primary water source for wildlife and livestock.
Listing Agent
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Ken Hoerster
Co-Op Member Owner
Comfort, Texas
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Co-Listing Agent
Agents Name: Griffin Kott
Cell Number: 830-889-5759
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