Land For Sale in Alabama

Types of Property Available in Alabama

When it comes to property in Alabama, there's something for everyone. The state's topography is varied. There is land for sale in Alabama near Mobile. The property is sea-level with some parcels providing a stunning view of the Gulf of Mexico. There are also mountainous areas that appeal to outdoor lovers who enjoy hiking and camping. The wetlands provide a great place for fishing and boating, while areas like the Black Belt and Tennessee Valley regions are perfect for farming and ranching. Alabama's economy is strongest in Jefferson County which is home to a DC BLOX's data center, an Amazon fulfillment center, and Shipt's headquarters.

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Mineral Rights in Alabama

Alabama has an extraordinary number of natural minerals buried beneath the topsoil. There's a long history of Native Americans using the oil they collected from asphaltic rocks as medicine for themselves and trading it to other tribes. The state officially assigned a commercial value to the local minerals in 1865, but about 40 years passed before Alabama entered the natural gas market. The first commercial natural gas well was dug near Huntsville, Alabama. This land for sale in Alabama is rich with these exquisite minerals and natural gas.Today, Alabama enjoys the distinction of being 10th in the nation for natural gas production and 15th for liquid hydrocarbon production. It's estimated that each year Alabama is responsible for about 50% of the United States total natural gas production. It is possible that you could stumble upon a farm for sale in Alabama and find yourself on a plot of natural gas! Minerals found in Alabama include gold, silver, quartz, beryl, marble, copper, and more!

The general rule of thumb is that when you purchase a piece of property in Alabama, you also purchase the rights to any minerals that may be located underground. There are situations where the current owner of the land decides to retain their mineral rights. When this happens, a separate clause is created in the sale contract. In legal terms, this is called an easement – when purchasing land for sale in Alabama, you should investigate who currently owns the mineral rights.

Want to see your Alabama property listings on Land Broker Co-op? We have an amazing team ready to help you list your commercial or private property. Looking to buy rather than sell? Contact us today.

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