The Double Mountain River Ranch is a conveniently located recreational and cattle ranch featuring frontage along the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River. The ranch is primarily rolling to hilly native pastures with rougher sloping terrain towards the river. There are numerous ponds and small wet weather draws that feed into the river, also providing seasonal sources of water at times. The Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River flows through the northern portion of the ranch, eventually flowing into Lake Alan Henry a few miles east of the ranch.
Located right off Hwy 84, the ranch is just one hour from Lubbock and only 10 minutes from Lake Alan Henry, famous for its amazing bass fishing. The ranch is only 20 minutes from the town of Post, 45 minutes to Sweetwater, and 1.5 hrs from Abilene.
Whitetail Deer, feral hogs, turkey, occasional aoudad, quail, dove.
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