We are pleased to have obtained an exclusive listing on 154.63± acres of partially irrigated farmland located in Hale and Lamb Counties.
154.63 total acres, more or less, according to the Lamb and Hale County Appraisal Districts.
The location of the farm is on the Hale and Lamb County line, approximately 2 miles southeast of the community of Olton, Texas.
Access is provided by graded CR 110 on the north, and graded CR 132 on the west.
The Northwest Quarter of Section 16, D&SE Ry Co. Survey, Block O-2, Hale County Abstract 1665 and Lamb County Abstract 539, Save and Except 5.57 acres in the northeast portion of the Northwest Quarter.
The property is being operated with 69.36 acres in drip irrigation, approximately 30 acres of dryland farm ground, and 50 acres of improved grass and playa lake.
Approximately 60% of the cultivated farmland is Olton loam soils with 0-1% slope, with approximately 26% Olton loam with 1-3% slope. The balance of the soils are Acuff Loam with some Randall clay near the grass and playa lake area.
Farm Service Agency base acres and yields:
• Seed Cotton: 91.4 acres, with PLC Yield of 2,347 lbs.
• Wheat: 10.8 acres, with PLC Yield of 28 bushels
• Unassigned Generic Base: 7.80 acres.
Taxes are $275.23
69.3 acres of drip irrigation on 80-inch centers, installed in 2007.
Three (3) irrigation wells, equipped with 15 HP submersible pumps. These wells have not been test pumped, but are reported to produce approximately 190 to 200 gpm total per the owner.
$275,000 • $1,778 per acre
50% of owned minerals will convey. 100% of wind energy rights will convey.
If you are in the market for productive farm ground improved with drip irrigation, call Clint Robinson for more information at (806) 786-3730.
Land Broker Co-op assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained herein. Information contained herein has been provided by either the property owner or the listing broker and is assumed to be accurate and reliable. Buyers acknowledge, and shall assume full responsibility for verification of all information contained herein.