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Search Land - UNDER CONTRACT!! 107 Acres of Development and Timber Land For Sale in Hoke County NC!

UNDER CONTRACT!! 107 Acres of Development and Timber Land For Sale in Hoke County NC!

MLS #NC900354
Off Memory Lane, Aberdeen, NC
Status: Under Contract
Property Type
Commercial Acreage
Recreational Land
107 acres
Hoke, NC
List Date
Jul 23, 2020
With rolling topography, excellent access to Aberdeen, and half the acreage in timber, its a prime development opportunity in the Sandhills of NC! Situated just four miles from Aberdeen along the Moore-Hoke County line lies the 107-acre Calloway Tract. This tract is quite typical of the Sandhill region of North Carolina with rolling hills, pine trees, and beautiful streams! But, this one is just around the corner from downtown Aberdeen situated between NC 211 and US 501 in a prime development area. Many tracts around its periphery are quickly being converted to horse farms and residential developments. It's the perfect time to grasp this 107-acres before it gets gobbled up. While the front portion of the timber was cut, a large portion of the remaining parcel was left uncut along with a young pine plantation growing vigorously just uphill of Quewhiffle Creek that is approximately 10-15 years old. Quewhiffle Creek is crystal clear and could be included as part of a larger development plan. In addition to being a prime development tract, the Calloway Tract is full of excellent wildlife habitat spanning from the sandy ridges to the dense bottomlands along Quewhiffle Creek. The tract is connected to a large conglomeration of wooded tracts to the south and provides an excellent place for big bucks and long bearded turkeys to thrive and become mature. The lowland associated with Quewhiffle Creek are partially affected by beavers that provides excellent wintering habitat for migrating waterfowl. This property offers a wide range of benefits, including timber production, wildlife habitat, premium hunting opportunities, and prime candidate for development all within a short distance from NC 211, US 501, and downtown Aberdeen. This tract is a prime hunting tract with a wide variety of other current and then potential future uses. The tract is within close proximity to neighboring communities that is 4 minutes from Aberdeen, 20 minutes from Laurinburg, 45 minutes from Fayetteville, and 20 minutes from Raeford. For more information on this and other for Development and Timber Land in sale in North Carolina or South Carolina, contact Jeff Burleson at 843-685-2408, email at [Email listed above] visit our website at [Web Link listed above].
Listing Agent
Jeff Burleson
Mossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty - Lake Waccamaw
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