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Search Land - Land For Sale In Clay County, IN 9 Acres +/-

Land For Sale In Clay County, IN 9 Acres +/-

MLS #IN859414
4288 E County Rd 50 N, Center Point, IN
Status: Under Contract
Property Type
Recreational Land
9 acres
Clay, IN
List Date
May 20, 2021
A mixed use residential, recreational 9 acre property located in Clay County, CenterPoint, IN 47840. This is a hard to find small wooded tract just off of SR 46 that can be used in a variety of ways. It currently has a two year old 12 x 30 cabin on the property along with a driveway leading back along the northern property line. The area where the cabin is located would make a spectacular building site overlooking the Eel River bottoms, and there is electric available at the road. The tract could also be used for multiple types of recreation including: ATV trails, equestrian trails, hiking trails, and of course hunting. It is rare to find a small parcel that provides excellent hunting, and this is one of those properties! There is a small food plot already established, and the amount of mature bucks using this place is unreal. The current owner was able to harvest a true 200 class buck here in the fall of 2020 and has multiple pictures of other great deer. The lower bottom ground is thick and provides great bedding cover for the deer traveling back and forth from the neighbor's tillable fields. If hunted with the correct wind at the right time of year, this property will produce more opportunities for mature bucks. There is also a healthy turkey population, and the owner finds yellow mushrooms every year. The property also has harvestable timber consisting of walnut, poplar, oak, and soft maple which will provide some income. Please contact Mossy Oak Properties Indiana Land and Lifestyle Land Specialists Todd Harrison 812-229-1189 or Caleb Emrick 812-605-3163 for more information! * 15 minutes from Brazil, IN * 30 minutes from Terre Haute, IN * 45 minutes from Bloomington, IN * 70 minutes from Indianapolis, IN * Building site * Utilities at road * Excellent hunting * Marketable timber
Listing Agent
Todd Harrison
Mossy Oak Properties Indiana Land Lifestyle
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