Search Land - PRICE REDUCTION...Whitetail Lodge 80 Acres w/Barn Home ready to move inJust 1.1 miles off pavement!
PRICE REDUCTION...Whitetail Lodge 80 Acres w/Barn Home ready to move inJust 1.1 miles off pavement!
MLS #OK816485
12163 County Street 2610, Lookeba, OK
Status: Under Contract
Property Type
Home with Acreage
Recreational Land
80 acres
Caddo, OK
List Date
Jul 23, 2020
PRICE REDUCTION...Whitetail Lodge 80 Acres w/Barn Home ready to move in Just 1.1 miles off pavement!
The 2200 sq. ft Living Space has an open concept w/3 large bedrooms and walk-in closets. The oversize large bathroom has a utility and sewing room combined w/in. You will have secured covered parking inside the over-sized garage which can handle up to 4-vehicles at a time as well as (2) separate double carports. The Security Gate Entrance has digital pads on either side of the gate and a remote for your vehicle as well. The house has an ONAN Generator for backup.
ADDED BONUS...You have a separate living quarters the Whitetail Bunk House. It is totally self-contained with 2-Built-In Cedar Bunks, bathroom & shower and heat-n-air
This is absolutely the best Hunting Retreat on the market right now. Deer are prevalent all over the property. There has not been any livestock on this 80-Acre Retreat in over 14 years. All the live trails are game not livestock. Deer, Turkey, Hogs, Quail and other small game is everywhere. The great cover and natural feed all over this place keeps the wildlife on this acreage.
There is a large Pasture of Rye and Vetch that comes back every year. Massive Oaks, Black Walnut, Willow, and Cottonwood cover this 80-Acres. There are numerous Deer Stands and Ground blinds that come with the property. Set on your back patio and enjoy the beautiful fire pit. shoot massive Deer or hogs just below the house out of your fully enclosed Tower Blind w/electricity.
You have the potential for the best Hiking / ATV and Equestrian trails.
There is so much potential on this place. You are 100% set-up on this MOVE-IN-READY PROPERTY.
Call Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland / Midwest Farm & Land to Secure This Place Before Deer Season
Robert Potts, Managing Broker 405-929-9383
Bryant Potts, Agent 405-687-1410
Jerid McAdoo, Agent 405-668-3078
Josh Candelaria 580-660-1167
Listing Agent
Robbie Potts
Mossy Oak Properties of the Heartland Midwest Farm and Land
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