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Search Land - UNDER CONTRACT!! 84.7 Acres of Recreational and Hunting Land For Sale in Wilson County NC!

UNDER CONTRACT!! 84.7 Acres of Recreational and Hunting Land For Sale in Wilson County NC!

MLS #NC816447
Off Gardner School Road, Stantonsburg, NC
Status: Under Contract
Property Type
Recreational Land
84.7 acres
Wilson, NC
List Date
Mar 16, 2021
Looking for a recreational tract of land with investment potential?! Check out this property located just off of Highway 264, only 15 minutes from Wilson and 25 minutes from Greenville! 85 Acres of Recreational and Hunting Land For Sale in Wilson County NC! This property recently experienced a timber harvest and is now a blank canvas. Now is the perfect time to shape this property into what you have always wanted in a tract of land. The Timber and easily be replanted for future timber investment and there is plenty of room to ride ATVs, shoot, ride horses, and hunt plenty of wild game. Wilson County has a healthy population of wild turkey, whitetail deer, and the occasional black bear. During the winter months there is plenty of migratory waterfowl hunting that can be done in areas of flooded timber and creeks, such as the one on this tract. There is a creek that runs along the border of the property that was full of wildlife sign. This would be an ideal place to put up ground blinds and hunting stands. With the timber harvested, you can situate food plots, shooting lanes, and a road system that would normally be very work-intensive. These areas can now be established so when the timber grows, whether it be naturally regenerated or replanted, you have areas to focus your hunting on. The tract is bordered by White Oak Swamp, a creek, and Highway 264 which makes intrusion from neighboring properties minimal at best. There has not been a percolation test done to determine the septic system suitability on the property nor has there been any work done to see if a well could be installed. The tract has been used for decades as a timber management, hunting, and recreational property. From the property you are 25 minutes from Greenville (https://[Web... Link listed above]), 15 minutes from Wilson (https://[Web... Link listed above]), and minutes from Raleigh (https://[Web... Link listed above]). The tract is accessible via a 20 foot deeded access easement. The property is shown by appointment only. Please allow 48 hours notice prior to a showing. The property is closely monitored so no drive-bys are allowed. Please dont enter the property or the access easement driveway without an agent present. For a birds eye view of the property visit our "MAPRIGHT mapping system. Simply copy and paste this link into your browser (https://mapright\.... com/ranching/maps/d5d9aab28867880c37c1d8339ba6dcd9/share) and then click on any of the icons to see photographs taken from those exact locations as well as drone photos taken from the air. Click around and change the base layers to view shaded relief or hydrology maps of the area. For more information on this property for sale in Wilson County, or other properties for sale in Wilson County, Please contact ANDREW WALTERS at (252) 904-3184, by email at [Email listed above], or visit NCLANDPRO\. COM. You can also follow along on Facebook and YouTube at @NCLandPro to see new, reduced, and coming soon properties daily.
Listing Agent
Andrew Walters
Mossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty - Greenville
Greenville, North Carolina
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