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Search Land - Whimsical Investment Estate in Richland County, WI

Whimsical Investment Estate in Richland County, WI

MLS #WI811613
181.10 Ac County Rd E, Richland Center, WI
Status: Active
Property Type
Hunting Land
181.1 acres
Richland, WI
List Date
Apr 30, 2021
You’re looking at one of the most whimsical 181.10ac +/- properties to hit the market in Southwest Wisconsin. This diversified recreational and investment tract offers a medley of awe-inspiring features with handsome revenue generating cash-flow opportunities. Whether you’re looking to utilize this as a farm, premiere hunting destination or simply a magical estate to add to your portfolio – real estate such as this rarely reaches the market. You’ll find this masterpiece in the heart of Richland County just north of Boaz off of County Road E. Known by many as “The most beautiful farm in the valley!” A charming 30x70ft +/- red barn welcomes guests into a driveway that leads directly into the grounds. One of the first sights you’ll notice is a large free-flowing waterway running north to south known as Mill Creek, which is a Class 1 Trout Stream. These very waters not only hold some of the best trout fishing in the region, but decorate the property with an inspiring sight to behold with skyscraping bluffs in the background. The fish rich stream runs nearly ¾ mile +/- in length along the property providing a year-round water source for animals, plenty of deep trout holes and a relaxing orchestra of constant cascading waters. On the north end of the property there’s a small waterfall that only accentuates the beauty. The property hosts 70+/- acres of high-quality agricultural land that’s farmed by the current owner who is extremely particular in his practice. The unspoiled landscape is truly one of the cleanest and well-groomed farms that you’ll ever lay eyes on. There’s been an immense amount of pride and tradition put into this masterpiece by the current owner over the last 30+ years of ownership. A portion of the land has been dedicated to pasture for cattle. Numerous pasture pockets hold the owner’s cattle for a limited time before these grazers are moved to the next field. Unlike most mud-ridden pastures you’ll find across the state, these are meticulously appointed and maintained. The diversity of having prime farmland and pasture affords a new owner top-dollar income streams from both facets. Pasture ground typically rents at a per-head (cow) basis. The westerly boundary of the land is composed of a long timbered ridge line. Forestland encompass the estate bountiful in maple, oak and hickory trees. There’s even a scattering of valuable walnut trees towering the ridge sides. Once you penetrate the timber, you’ll be utterly shocked by the amount of deer sign. Heavily worn game trails crisscross the bluff laden terrain. The deer trails that intersect and bisect throughout the estate are honestly overwhelming and truly a sight to see. If you know anything about this coveted pocket of Richland County, you’ll know far well that it’s considered to be one of the greatest trophy whitetail destinations in the state of Wisconsin. Renting the hunting rights alone each year would bring additional income.A property of this magnitude is in a class of its own that could have the chance of bringing a handsome revenue stream back into your pocket, which is a far cry from the mere $1,676+/- annually amount of taxes. Property is not enrolled in any government programs per the owner. The diversity of pristine trout waters, pastures, prime ag land and trophy whitetail is exactly what you can expect from this real estate. Plat of Survey has already been done. Buyers must provide a pre-qualification letter before viewing property and must be accompanied by Licensed Real Estate Agent. For more info, please contact Southwest Wisconsin Land Specialist Brandon Wikman at 608.403.6003 // BrandonW@UChuntingproperties.com or Joe Nawrot at 608.381.1627 // JoeN@UChuntingproperties.com Make no mistake about it, Joe Nawrot and Brandon Wikman are THE Land Experts of Wisconsin. Ranked #1 in the state of Wisconsin for United Country Real Estate working for the #1 Office in the Nation.
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Travis Hamele
Co-Op Member Owner
United Country Hamele Auction & Realty
Portage, Wisconsin
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