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Search Land - 5/18 Auction 320± Acres Offered in 2 Tracts!

5/18 Auction 320± Acres Offered in 2 Tracts!

MLS #OK782630
CR 990 & Kiowa Rd 33K Wakita Rd, Medford, OK
Status: Active
Property Type
Hunting Land
Land Auction
320 acres
Grant, OK
List Date
Apr 12, 2021
Mineral Info
320± ACRES * GRANT COUNTY, OKLAHOMA * MINERALS * RENFROM/MEDFORD AREA * CRP * POND * GRASS PASTURE * HUNTING * CROPLAND * HIGHWAY ACCESS MAGMAR, LLC AUCTION Live w/Online Bidding No Reserve AUCTION LOCATION: Both tracts will be sold Tract #1 Directions to the Farm: From Medford, OK. Hwy 81 & 11, go north 5.5 miles to Kiowa Rd. OR from Renfrow, OK. 3 miles south on Hwy 81 TRACT 1-SURFACE RIGHTS Legal Description: SE/4 of Section (24), Township (28) North, Range (5), W.I.M. Grant County, Oklahoma Directions to the Farm: From Medford, OK. Hwy 81 & 11, go north 5.5 miles to Kiowa Rd. OR from Renfrow, OK. 3 miles south on Hwy 81 Taxes: $356.00 This tract consists of approximately 145 acres more or less. According to the county Farm Service Agency there is 133.73 acres of cropland, 87.30 wheat base and PLC yield of 32. There is also 46.30 acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program with a maturity date of 9-30-2023 with an annual payment $1,733.00 ($38.61 per acre rate). This property does have Hwy 81 frontage and approximately 10 acres of this property lays in a triangle tract on the east side of Hwy 81. NO wind easement on this property! Principal soils are: Kirkland Silt Loam class II; Renfrow Silty Clay Loam, class IV; and Masham-Ashport class VI TRACT 2- SURFACE RIGHTS Legal Description: NW/4 of Section (29), Township (28) North, Range (4), W.I.M. Grant County, Oklahoma Directions to the Farm: : From Medford, OK. Hwy 81 & 11, go north 5.5 miles to Kiowa Rd. then 1 mile east OR from Renfrow, OK. 3 miles south on Hwy 81 to Kiowa Rd, then 1 mile east. Taxes: $418.00 This tract consists of approximately 160 acres more or less. According to the county Farm Service Agency there is 126.69 DCP crop acres, 126.69 wheat base acres and a PLC yield of 32. The balance is in grass pasture, timber, and nice size pond. There is an older windmill (water) located on this property. Principal soils are: Pond Creek Silt loam, class I; McClain silt loam, class I; Norge Silt loam class II; Kirkland Silt Loam, class II; Bethany Silt Loam class II; Norge Silt Loam class III; Grant-Port class VI. This tract does have a wind easement but no current turbines or work done. Good whitetail deer, quail, and duck hunting! I saw nice covey of quail, 10 deer and numerous ducks on the pond. Pond is very secluded. TRACT 3 – MINERALS Legal Description: SE/4 of Section (24), Township (28) North, Range (5), W.I.M. Grant County, Oklahoma. Seller owns approximately 30% of the minerals under this section with an annual income of $1-2,000.00. See landman report by clicking documents. TRACT 4- MINERALS NW/4 of Section (29), Township (28) North, Range (4), W.I.M. Grant County, Oklahoma Seller owns 100% of the minerals under this section. No income, see landman report by clicking documents. Possession: will be given at closing. No current surface leases! Conservation Reserve Program (CRP): Tract1 is enrolled in the CRP program and buyer must stay in compliance with the existing contract. See contract under documents on our website under documents. Viewing the Property: property can be viewed during daylight hours only Pre offers: No pre offers will be entertained prior to the auction. Internet Bidding: will be available by logging on by clicking online bidding to register. Neither the Seller nor the Auction Company is responsible in the event of loss of internet signal by either side. Terms/Conditions on Surface Rights: 10% of the total purchase price is to be placed in escrow day of the auction with the balance being due upon delivery of marketable title. Property sells in its “AS IS” condition. Mineral Terms: 100% of the total purchase price will be placed in escrow with the balance being due upon delivery of a Mineral Quit Claim Deed. NO abstract will be furnished! Disclaimer: All information has been taken from sources believed reliable; however, no guarantee is being made by the auction company nor the seller. Bidders should satisfy themselves as to any inspection prior to bidding. Financing should be in place prior to bidding. Any announcements made the day of the auction shall supersede all advertising or comments.
Listing Agent
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Troy Lippard
Co-Op Member Owner
Lippard Auctioneers
Enid, Oklahoma
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