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Search Land - Doe Valley Hideaway

Doe Valley Hideaway

MLS #PA448207
Benny Road, Hooversville, PA
Status: Under Contract
Property Type
187.7 acres
Somerset, PA
List Date
Sep 24, 2020
Pennsylvania wooded land with timber and pond for sale. This 188.7 acre property is a beautiful secluded property in central Somerset County.  Are you looking for a hideaway?  Doe Valley is an old homestead property, mostly wooded, with a few clearings, and 2 ponds.  It may be the ideal place for your home, camp, timber investment, or hunting land.  The Township Road leading into the property dead ends, eliminating the public traffic.  Overall, the terrain is slight to moderate slope.  The driveway, flanked by large oak trees will lead you past the ponds to the clearing of the old homestead.  The old house has finally retired from the years of family life.  The fielded areas are grown up with natural vegetation.  They are ready to be cleared for as a recreational area, or converted into food plots to feed whitetails.   The clearing leads to the ponds ready to be stocked. Old logging trails can be found over the property for hiking and ATV riding.  The property also offers timber potential for future investment.  There appears to have been no logging in the last 25-30 years.  It is nicely stocked with 10” to 14” red oak, cherry, tulip poplar, chestnut oak, birch, and a few white oak trees.  This property is an excellent opportunity for some timber management initiatives to accelerate growth of the high-quality crop trees.  Doe Valley is also a property for the hunter who has been dreaming of having his own secluded hunting land. The variety of oak trees, and diversity of ground cover attracts deer, bear, turkey, and small game.   The northern section of the property will give the new owner a feel of mountain ground.  Large boulder rocks are scattered over the terrain, creating a solitude all of its own.  The Seller is reserving 50% interest of the coal, oil, gas, and minerals rights for a time period of 30 years from the transaction.  This will give the Buyer an equal opportunity in negotiating any potential leases.  The Buyer will also receive 50% of all royalties from the production of coal, oil, gas, and minerals.     There is no electric on the property.  There are power lines approximately 450 feet from the driveway entrance of the property. Doe Valley—Quietly growing trees in a secluded setting of Somerset County.         
Listing Agent
Ronald Westover
Timberland Realty
Falconer, Pennsylvania
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