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Search Land - Timmerman Hill Treasure

Timmerman Hill Treasure

MLS #NY402510
Timmerman Hill Road, Virgil, NY
Status: Under Contract
Property Type
97.25 acres
Cortland, NY
List Date
May 14, 2020
New York wooded and open areas with trails for Sale:  This property is located on Timmerman Hill road which is paved and fully maintained.  There is approximately 1,700’ of road frontage and electric is available at the road front.The property is mostly hardwoods with two open areas that could be converted easily to grass or food plots.  The northwestern open area is approximately 6.5 acres, the southwestern open area is about 1.5 acres.  In the north west corner there are also larch and spruce plantations.  There was a timber harvest in the last 3 years leaving openings in the canopy as well as mature trees.  This diverse habitat creates endless opportunities for many different game and non-game species alike.There are many skid trails created by the most recent timber harvest that can easily be maintained to get your ATV to all corners of the property.  These skid trails are currently being used by all types of game species.  The forest floor is also carpeted with new growth that is creating an excellent food source for deer, turkeys and upland game birds.There is an abandoned town road that runs through the property and hits the property line on the south end of the property.  There is an intermittent stream that runs from north/south on the west side of the property with trail crossings created from the most recent harvest.There is a deeded right of way that runs through the property off Timmerman Hill rd. The approximate location of this right of way is shown on the map.Located only 15 minutes from Cortland and 5 miles from route 81 this property is perfect for local and out of town residents alike.  Other attractions in the area include Greek Peak Mountain Ski Resort and Cascades indoor water park only 5 miles away you can have fun with the entire family from this property.  A 35 minute drive will get you to the heart of Ithaca and to the state parks surrounding it to fill all of your outdoor recreation needs!An additional 62 acre adjoining parcel is also available.
Listing Agent
Bradley Wentworth
Timberland Realty
Falconer, New York
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