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Search Land - One Equity Share with a Cabin at Jackson Point Hunting Club in Phillips County, AR

One Equity Share with a Cabin at Jackson Point Hunting Club in Phillips County, AR

MLS #AR1251159
Elaine, AR
Status: Active
Property Type
Fishing Land
Hunting Land
Lake Frontage
Recreational Land
River Frontage
8,000 acres
Phillips, AR
Hunt Club Shares
Lake Frontage
River Frontage
List Date
Dec 16, 2024
WELCOME TO JACKSON POINT HUNTING CLUB! As you pull through the gate, you will enter an excellent Mississippi River Bottom Club made up of Mississippi and Arkansas ground. After riding through the club for a few miles, you will arrive at the camp area with roughly 50 camps, one of which is included with this offering. The 1,332± square foot cabin, constructed in the early 90s, is located on Mississippi land. The fully furnished two bedroom, and two bathroom cabin is equipped with pine walls, tile countertops, tile floors, and a real-wood-burning fireplace. Outside, the cabin has a front porch, a great place for UTVs/ATVs, a screened-in back porch, cypress siding, and a metal roof. The cabin is built on a slab on some of the highest ground inside the Mississippi River Bottom from Memphis, TN, to Louisiana. During the historic 2011 flood, the cabin took on less than one foot of water. However, the cabin was still gutted and completely renovated around 2012. The utilities include electricity, a club-shared water well, and a septic tank. Jackson Point Hunting Club was formed in 1984 and has been a successful Mississippi River hunting club ever since. The club currently owns approximately 8,000± acres, including all timber rights. The makeup includes 1,811± acres in Phillips County, AR; 5,442± acres in Coahoma County, MS; and 750± acres in accretion. There are 107 total shares owned by approximately 67 members. The club enjoys a full-time caretaker (Kyle Vansickle) and a part-time wildlife biologist (Lan Wilf). When you ride the miles and miles of interior roads, you will eventually encounter most every aspect the Mississippi River Bottom has to offer: big timber, cutover, wildlife plots, Mellwood Lake frontage, and Ham Lake. The hunting and fishing are exceptional, with big deer (the biggest 170”), loads of turkeys, ducks when the timing is right, and small game. Jackson Point Hunting Club offers year-round enjoyment with something for everyone in the family. The club is accessed on the Arkansas side of the river just 24 miles southwest of Helena, AR, and 68 miles southwest of Memphis, TN. You can drive into the club until the Helena River Gauge reaches 38 feet. If you have been looking for a Mississippi River Bottom cabin and share, call for your private tour of Jackson Point today!
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