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Search Land - 628± Acres Complete Section Offered in Quarters, Cropland, Timber, Shop Buildings, Rural Water & More

628± Acres Complete Section Offered in Quarters, Cropland, Timber, Shop Buildings, Rural Water & More

MLS #OK1246625
6908 E Flynn Rd, Waukomis, OK, 73773, Waukomis, OK
Status: Active
Property Type
Farm Auction
Land Auction
Recreational Land
628 acres
Garfield, OK
List Date
Oct 29, 2024
628± ACRES * COMPLETE SECTION OFFERED IN QUARTERS * GARFIELD COUNTY, OK * CROPLAND * TIMBER * SHOP BUILDINGS * RURAL WATER GUNGOLL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND SUE GUNGOLL NO RESERVE AUCTION MONDAY NOVEMBER 18TH 10AM AUCTION LOCATION: 6908 E Flynn Rd, Waukomis, OK, 73773 Tract 4 at shop building, from Waukomis, OK. and Wood Road, go 6 miles east, 1 mile south, ¼ mile east on Flynn, watch for signs TRACT 1 SE/4 of 30-21N-5 W.I.M. Garfield County, OK. Taxes: $655.00 Directions to Farm: From Waukomis, OK. and Wood Road, go 6 miles east, 1 mile south, then ½ mile east on Flynn Road, watch for signs Description: This farm consists of approximately 160 acres more or less. According to the county Farm Service Agency, there is 148.38 DCP crop acres, with 148.38 acres wheat base and 35 bushel yield. The balance of the farm is in small amount of timber in the SE/corner and an oilfield pad site. This farm has good blacktop frontage, and electric line runs down Flynn Road. Principal soil types are: Port Silt Loam, 0-1 slopes, class II; Port Clay Loam, 0-1% slopes, class II; Kirkland Silt Loam Silt Loam, 0-1% slopes, class III; Kirkland Renfrow complex, 1-3% slopes, class III TRACT 2 NE/4 of 30-21N-5 W.I.M. Garfield County, OK. Taxes: $632.00 Directions to Farm: From Waukomis, OK. and Wood Road, go 6.5 miles east, watch for signs Description: This farm consists of approximately 150 acres more or less. According to the county Farm Service Agency, there is 146.85 DCP crop acres, with 156.49 acres wheat base and 35 bushel yield. Electric service runs down Wood Road and has good county road access. Principal soil types are: Port Silt Loam, 0-1 slopes, class II; Renthin-Masham complex, 3-5% slopes, class III TRACT 3 NW/4 of 30-21N-5 W.I.M. Garfield County, OK. (across the road from Pioneer School) Taxes: $496.00 Directions to Farm: From Waukomis, OK. and Wood Road, go 6 miles east, watch for signs Description: This farm consists of approximately 158 acres more or less. According to the county Farm Service Agency, there is 152.06 DCP crop acres, with 150.85 acres wheat base and 35 bushel yield. There is electric service on two sides and rural water. Principal soil types are: Port Silt Loam, 0-1 slopes, class II; Renthin-Masham complex, 3-5% slopes, class III; Kirkland – Renfrow complex, 1-3% slopes, class III; Kirkland Silt Loam, 0-1% slopes, class III TRACT 4 SW/4 of 30-21N-5 W.I.M. Garfield County, OK. Taxes: $610.00 Directions to Farm: From Waukomis, OK. and Wood Road, go 6 miles east, ½ south, watch for signs Description: This farm consists of approximately 158 acres more or less. According to the county Farm Service Agency, there is 144.06 DCP crop acres, with 151.76 acres wheat base and 35 bushel yield. This property is improved with 60×100 machine shed, concrete floor, wired for electric, and two 2,000 -bushel grain bins with concrete floor. There is electric on two sides of this farm and rural water. Principal soil types are: Port Silt Loam, 0-1 slopes, class II; Renthin-Masham complex, 3-5% slopes, class III; Kirkland – Renfrow complex, 1-3% slopes, class III; Kirkland Silt Loam, 0-1% slopes, class III Auctioneers Note: We are very excited to offer this full section of land at public auction. This property will be offered in quarter sections only since we have couple different land owners. A good portion of this property is good Class II soils and most having blacktop access, and rural water availability. Not very often does a full section of land come available, so be sure to mark your calendar for the exciting event. For mor information contact, Rodney Timm 580-548-6652 Minerals: Selling surface rights only Possession: will be given after the harvest of the 2025 wheat crop Previewing the Farm: can be done during daylight hours only, do not drive on cropland Pre-auction offers: No Pre-auction offers will be accepted prior to auction date Internet Bidding: will be available by clicking online bidding link to register. Neither the Seller nor the Auction Company are responsible in the event of loss of internet signal by either side. Terms: 10% of the total purchase price is to be placed in escrow the day of the auction with the balance being due upon delivery of marketable title. Disclaimer: All information has been taken from sources believed reliable; however, no guarantee is being made by the auction company nor the seller. Bidders should satisfy themselves as to any inspections prior to bidding. Any announcements made the day of the auction shall supersede all marketing or comments. SELLER: GUNGOLL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND SUE GUNGOLL
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Troy Lippard
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Lippard Auctioneers
Enid, Oklahoma
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