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Search Land - Timber Hill Retreat

Timber Hill Retreat

MLS #TX1238707
County Road 2670, Chester, TX
Status: Active
Property Type
Hunting Land
Recreational Land
83 acres
Tyler, TX
List Date
Sep 21, 2024
Beautiful mature pine timber, rolling elevation, and a peaceful location highlight this hunting and weekend retreat situated only 2 hours from Houston, TX. Located directly off of the year round county maintained County Rd 2670, the main entrance features a double pipe gate. The property comes turn key with a place for lodging, electricity, as well as a water system. Several acres around the headquarters have been managed for an open grassland timber system that provide a park like feel with plenty of view corridors as well as open area. A ready to go deer stand and feeder are situated in both a strategic and aesthetically pleasing location. There are a number of other areas that would make ideal hunting locations as well. The mature forests provide plenty of habitat and cover for white-tailed deer, hogs, squirrels, and all manner of native wildlife that are seen regularly on the property. Several wet weather creeks flow across the property that boasts areas of rock outcroppings that are neat to see. There are multiple nice areas that look suitable for pond or lake construction if desired. The property is high and dry with a peak elevation of 229 feet that rolls from the top of the ridge where the headquarters are located to the hardwood bottom that sits at 160 feet of elevation. This elevation allows for no flooding issues with 0 acres located inside of a floodplain. This property has been owned and maintained as a hunting and weekend retreat by the same family for the past 25 years. This area of Tyler county is known for large acreage neighbors with a history of both land and wildlife management. This 83 acres is unrestricted and ag exempt for taxes through the timber exemption. Additional acreage is potentially available. LOCATION The main entrance to the property is located directly off of County Rd 2670, a short drive from Chester, TX. -27 Minutes from Corrigan, TX -29 Minutes from Woodville, TX -2 hours from Houston, TX -1 hour and 30 minutes from IAH George Bush Intercontinental Airport -3 hours and 30 minutes from Dallas, TX TOPOGRAPHY, RANGELAND & HABITAT The property is covered in mature Loblolly and Longleaf pine. This area is in the heart of historic Long Leaf territory and Long Leafs pine can grow abundant here. There is a large ridge located next to the county road that encompasses around half of the property. This ridge rolls into a couple of wet weather creeks that provide an elevation change of over 60′ across the property. The soils are primarily sandy loam which sustain the large forest growth. There is a hardwood bottom along the southern end that provides an area for mature oak trees. The property is high and dry with 0 acres located in a floodplain. WILDLIFE Managed for decades for white-tailed deer, the property boasts a sustainable and healthy population of deer. Wild hogs are seen regularly along with squirrels and all manner of native wildlife. The landscape of mature forests provide habitat and cover for the full range of native East Texas wildlife. AGRICULTURE Fully mature stand of pine timber with a mixture of Long Leaf pine as well as Loblolly pine. The age class of the standing timber is well over 40 years of age with the vast majority estimated to be over 50 years old. A large portion of the property underwent a prescribed fire in 2022 that opened up the understory encouraging grass and new plant growth. There are scattered oak trees and hardwoods as well. IMPROVEMENTS The retreat headquarters consists of an open air 30X50 metal roof over a concrete slab. The roof is covered with lights as well as outdoor lights mounted on the corners that provide ample lighting at night time. A fully operational 33′ double slide Franklin travel trailer is connected to the water tank as well as to electricity. Two custom porches allow for easy access to both the living room as well as the main bedroom. The oven operates off of propane while the remaining systems run off of electricity. WATER There is a 500 gallon water tank installed and hooked up to the travel trailer. There are plenty of areas a water well could be easily installed if desired. ELECTRICITY Underground power runs along the main drive to the camp headquarters. MINERALS Seller will convey any minerals they own. AREA HISTORY Historical timberlands for generations. This area of Tyler county has remained in forest production for hundreds of years.
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Republic Ranches
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