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Search Land - 312 T Ranch

312 T Ranch

MLS #TX1237463
Farm to Market Road 256, Woodville, TX
Status: Active
Property Type
Cattle Ranch
Hunting Land
Recreational Land
266 acres
Tyler, TX
List Date
Sep 16, 2024
Topo Map
Beautiful pasture hills blended with forests of large mature oak and pine timber highlight this 266 +/- acres located directly off of FM 256 near Woodville, TX. The pastures create space for livestock and recreation while the wooded areas provide habitat for the native wildlife that roam the ranch and can be seen frequently. The multiple areas of large forests provide privacy as well as a peaceful and secluded feel. The ranch has water in several areas including two ponds and multiple wet weather creeks that flow through the timber lined forests. Named for the rolling hills across the ranch, 312 T ranch boasts a peak elevation of 312 feet. Several large pasture hills tower over 70 feet higher than the creek bottom that sits below at 240 feet. The hilltops provide ideal homesite locations and the associated valleys below them make for over a half dozen locations for potential additional pond or lake construction areas if desired. The 312 T ranch is an overall beautiful East Texas ranch that is a ready to go blank canvas for any number of dreams and visions. LOCATION -10 minutes from Woodville, TX -1 hour 45 minutes from Houston, TX -3 hours and 30 minutes from Dallas, TX -4 hours from Austin, TX TOPOGRAPHY, RANGELAND & HABITAT The ranch is a mixture of maintained pasture land with several areas of mature timber. There are around 200 acres of pasture and 65 acres of timbered areas. The rolling hills and blended areas of timber create a mosaic layout that really adds to the beauty and feel of the ranch. WILDLIFE White-tailed deer, wild hogs, and all manner of native wildlife roam the ranch and are sighted frequently. AGRICULTURE Historically utilized for a cow-calf operation, the pastures have been maintained and managed in great shape. The timbered portions of the ranch are large mature oak and pine trees that could be thinned or harvested if desired. The property is currently under a grazing lease with a tenant that manages the cattle and pasture management. WATER Water is available along FM 256. ELECTRICITY Electricity is onsite as well as available along FM 256. MINERALS The sellers will convey any minerals they own.
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Republic Ranches
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Republic Ranches
Houston, Texas
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