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Search Land - Fairview Farm- 114 acres

Fairview Farm- 114 acres

MLS #AL1173116
2870 County Road 30, Clanton, AL
Status: Active
Property Type
114 acres
Chilton, AL
Virtual Tour
List Date
Jan 12, 2024
Fairview Farm is 114 acres +/- with fenced pasture and timber in the Fairview community of Chilton County, Alabama. The property is set up well for someone that wants to have some livestock and also a homesite with recreational and hunting opportunities. The farm has approximately 50-55 acres of open land, of which about 43 +/- are fenced and cross-fenced for cattle. There is currently a small herd of cattle on the farm. The land has paved road frontage on County Road 30. There is power and county water at the road. There are 3 electrical service drops at the road, where meters have been installed in the past. There is an old well on site, and we have been told there are two septic systems near the road. On the southern most end is a approximately a 7 acre field that has been used for hunting. When I was there taking pictures, there were 5 deer and about a dozen turkeys in the field the first time I saw it. There are two small streams that flow on the property, one on the west side and one on the east, that eventually combine to make up Spring Branch. The timber on the property is a mixture of natural hardwoods and pines. The fields have a gentle roll to them. This farm is close to Clanton, Interstate 65, and Highway 31, and yet still offers plenty of privacy for someone that would like a rural homestead or getaway. We have been told that the farm was previously used for a peach orchard, so if someone would like to raise tree fruit or a vegetable farm, this might be a property to consider. You can get a really nice view of the sunset from this property.Legal Description- This 114 acres +/- is located in Township 21N, Range 13E, Section 25, and is also described as Chilton County Tax Assessor Parcel ID# 1607250000005003. The property taxes for 2023 were $233.11. The equipment, tractor and implements, livestock, and catch pens do not convey with the sale. The sale is for real estate, fencing and gates only.Location- The physical address for the property is 2870 County Road 30, Clanton, AL 35045. This farm lies approximately 9 miles west of Clanton, 11 miles to Thorsby, 33 miles to Prattville, 36 miles to Millbrook, 43 miles to Montgomery, 38 miles to Alabaster, 28 miles to Montevall, 60 miles to Birmingham, and 65 miles to Tuscaloosa. Showings of this property are strictly by appointment only please. There are livestock on the farm, so we will not be sending people unless accompanied by an agent. Please contact Jonathan Goode or Randall Upchurch for information about this great farm.
Listing Agent
Spencer Loveless
Co-Op Member Owner
Southeastern Land Group
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