HIGHWAY FRONTAGE!! LAST great parcel along busy RT 495!! LOCATION - LOCATION - LOCATION! 11.8 acres!! Highway VISIBILITY! This parcel includes a 5,694 sq ft building presently being used as a candy/ice cream retail shop. Business established in 1937.Production in lower level w/garage/loading area.1st floor retail and top floor being used as an apartment.Located right off exit Rt 117 at a signalized intersection along busy Rt 117 and the ON/OFF ramp of Rt 495. 4.5 +/- acres with frontage on Rt 117 & Sugar Rd. and 2.9 acres on opposite side of the highway behind the cemetery. Open land is zoned Mixed Use - Prim Commercial & Residential. A sampling of uses that are allowed w/in this zone include business & professional offices, banks, various research,medical & laboratory services. There are other uses allowed by special permit. 27 seats approved with potential to expand! 30 SF detached condos are across the street. Private water and septic. CONCEPTUAL PLAN for a boutique hotel & cafe!!
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