Cattle Ranches For Sale

When buying a cattle ranch, there is a long list of things to consider. Cattle ranches can be found in almost every part of our country, and bring us back to our nation's roots as pioneers. Where are the top areas to find working ranches as an investment, and what should you look for when purchasing a cattle ranch?

Cattle Ranches For Sale

Things To Consider When Buying A Cattle Ranch


How the cattle ranch will operate will be your number one concern. There are several factors involved.

  1. Type of Ownership - Will the owner be an owner/operator or an absentee owner?
  2. Type of Operation - Will it be a cow/calf or yearling operation?
  3. Seasonal Strategy - How will the herd be handled in the winter months?
  4. Capacity - What is the stocking rate of the property?

Water Resources

Water is critical to the operation of any cattle ranch. The quality of the water is also very important. Factors that need to be in place are:

  • Water rights for irrigation
  • Riparian areas
  • Wells
  • Tanks
  • Underground piping


Ranchers need a basic infrastructure that is in good condition to operate. These include fencing, cross-fencing, cattle guards, and gates. Other working facilities may also be essential, including medical facilities, corrals, scales, and chutes.

These are just a few things to know about investing in a working cattle ranch. Would you like to see your cattle ranch property listings on Land Broker MLS? Join our co-op by signing up today.

Where To Find Cattle Ranches For Sale


The gently rolling lands of Kansas are ideal for farming and ranching. Cattle ranches are dotted between the corn fields and include amenities like limestone based tall grass prairie, many creeks and rivers, lush bluestem grasses. Paddocks with a mixture of Red Clover, Ladino Clover, Bromegrass, Fescue, and Korean Lespedeza are perfect for growing beef in Kansas.


Learning how to work cattle is part of growing up in Utah. In this state, cattle are often raised on the open range. Utah features mountains, high-altitude acreage, and secluded bluffs, and ranches feature holding ponds and deep wells for water access. Turnkey ranches in beautiful, scenic surroundings are for sale. Raising and selling livestock is a business embraced with enthusiasm in Utah.


The ranchers in Colorado care deeply about the state's natural resources. Cowboys here are known to spend a week or more, herding cattle through the mountain ranges’ sensitive ecosystems. There are opportunities to buy incredibly diverse cattle ranching land in Colorado, with alpine landscapes, pristine valleys, and stunning scenery that can offer significant grazing and farming income.


This state is known the world over as the cowboy capital of the United States. Cattle ranches in Texas are huge, sprawling affairs that can link bustling metropolises with national parks. Turnkey ranching operations in Texas offer exciting opportunities to join the thriving cattle industry in the Lone Star State.


The northern state of Montana has some of the best grass in the world. Cattle ranches here thrive in the summer, and the cowboys and cowgirls here are known for their true grit in surviving the harsh winters. Huge ranches covering thousands of acres are the norm here. The spectacular landscape, large feedlots, and lush grass offers some of the finest cattle ranches for sale in the United States.

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