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David Klein

Co-Op Member Owner
First Mid Ag Services
Bloomington, Illinois
First Mid Ag Services, a Division of First Mid Wealth Management Company, is chartered in the State of Illinois and offers a wide range of financial products and personal services to its clientele. Our company is licensed as a Corporate Real Estate Broker (License #078 0010890) and sells farmland throughout the state of Illinois. Over 320 successful auctions have been completed since being licensed in the fall of 1990. Additionally, a number of farms have been sold by private treaty. Farms have been sold in 49 Illinois counties totaling more than 178,000 acres for over a Billion Dollars. David E. Klein, AFM, ALC serves as the managing real estate broker for our company and spends time selling farmland by private treaty and public sale throughout this territory. He is assisted by 31 licensed real estate brokers located in seven Central Illinois offices specializing in farmland sales. Soy Capital Ag Services is in compliance with the Auction Law which went into effect in Illinois as of January 1, 2000. David is a licensed as an Auctioneer with license number 441001928 and the company is licensed as an Auction Firm # 444000324.
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Land for Sale
Premier listing
The Hughes Farm 102.575+/- Acres LaSalle County, Illinois Auction
90.02 acres
La Salle County, IL 61350
The Hughes Farm consist of 84.937 +/- surveyed acres plus 17.638 acres of FAI Route 80 that will be deeded in one tract located in Wallace Township, LaSalle County, Illinois. There are several improvements and open tenancy for the 2025 crop year. Soil PI is 140.8 with the predominant soil types being Flanagan-Catlin silt loams and El Paso silty clay loam. The farm lies approximately 4 miles west of Ottawa on the north side of Interstate 80. Improvements: - 8 ring, 12,000 bushel grain bin with stirrators, burner, and aeration fan - 7 ring, 7,000 bushel grain bin with aeration fan only - 36’X50’ Quonset shed with 15’ wide door by 10’ tall - 34’X45’ barn with concrete floor - Propane tank along with electric service to the property. The farm will be offered in a Virtual Online-Only Auction on Wednesday March 12th, 10:00 AM. Bids can be made online by registering through the First Mid Ag Service’s mobile app or firstmidag.bidwrangler.com. Pre-bidding will be available between March 1st and March 12th with the Live Call beginning at 10 AM, March 12th. Bidding will be based upon the 84.937 acres but the successful bidder will receive 102.575 deeded acres at closing. Contact listing broker, Michael Bernhard, at 815-936-8978 or mbernhard@firstmid.com or auctioneer, David Klein, at 309-665-0961 for more information. If you have any questions regarding the bidding process, please contact auctioneer, Justin Wheeler, at 217-855-8358. GPS: 41.372076, -88.925599
Premier listing
The Athanatos Farm in Kanakee County, IL
248.39 acres
Kankakee County, IL 60950
LAND AUCTION – 03/05/2025 The Athanatos Farm consists of 248.39 +/- surveyed acres and will be auctioned as 3 tracts in a “Choice & Privilege” Format. This highly productive farm is in Section 18 in Sumner Township, Kankakee County, IL. Located 2.7 miles east of Manteno, IL on 5000 E at 9000 N Rd. Tract 1: 85.11 +/- surveyed acres. The weighted soil PI is 123.5. Predominant soil types include Elliott silt loam, Milford silty clay loam, and Ashkum silty clay loam. Tract 2: 81.52 +/- surveyed acres. The weighted soil PI is 125.3. Predominant soil types include Milford silty clay loam, Elliott silt loam, and Ashkum silty clay loam. Tract 3: 81.76 +/- surveyed acres. The weighted soil PI is 126.7. Predominant soil types include Milford silty clay loam, Martinton silt loam, and Elliott silt loam. Improvements: Tract #1 - 7.5 ring, 10,000 bushel grain bin with stirrators, burner, and aeration fan - 7 ring, 5,000 bushel grain bin with aeration fan only - 7 ring, 3,200 bushel grain bin with aeration fan only - 33’X47’ Quonset shed with 15’ wide door by 12’ tall - Propane tank and electric service to property This farm will be offered at auction on March 5th, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. at the Manteno Sportsmen’s Club located at 851 N Main Street Manteno, IL. Remote bidding for qualified bidders via our online bidding platform can be reached at our website a few days prior to auction or through the FirstMidAg App on your mobile device through the Apple or Google Play app stores. If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Auctioneer, David Klein at 800-532-5263 or dklein@firstmid.com. GPS Locations of the adjacent tracts are: Tract 1: Latitude: 41.254238 Longitude: -87.779068 Tract 2: Latitude: 41.252891 Longitude: -87.770913 Tract 3: Latitude: 41.254644 Longitude: -87.763809 For more information, please contact Listing Broker Ashten Masching at 815-936-8975 or Auctioneer, David Klein at 309-261-3117. If bidding online, please register to bid by 5:00 PM the night before the auction at www.firstmidag.com.
Premier listing
The Denning Trusts, etal Farmland Auction – 540.1511 Acre +/- McLean County, IL
540 acres
McLean County, IL 61705
March 25th 10AM County: McLean, IL Type: Farmland, Timber, Pasture Listing price: Live In-person & Virtual Online Auction The Denning Trusts Farmland Auction will offer 540.1511 +/- acres of prime Class A farmland, tillable and timber with creeks and timber only land in seven tracts, located at two different locations in southern McLean County, Illinois. Tract 1 is ~ 1 mile west of Downs or 5 miles south of Bloomington. Tracts 2-7 are on the LeRoy Spur between the I-74 interchange and IL Route 136 southwest of LeRoy. All tracts are surveyed and will be offered based upon surveyed acres. There is open tenancy for the 2025 crop year. Tract 1: 205.9166 +/- acres | 141.7 PI cropland south of Bloomington including a dwelling. Tract 2: 81.2555+/- acres | 139.8 PI cropland west of County Hwy southwest of LeRoy Tract 3: 72.8793 +/- acres | 134 PI cropland east of the County Hwy southwest of LeRoy Tract 4: 44.4243 +/- surveyed acres | 120.7 PI small cropland field and timber on County Highway Tract 5: 54.9158 +/- acres | 119.9 PI cropland, pasture and timber north of County Hwy. Tract 6: 41.4121+/- acres | no cropland, timber, creek on 2450N Rd. just north of Tract #5. Tract 7: 39.3475 +/- acres | 122.6 PI cropland , pasture, timber on 2450N Rd. just north of Tract #6. The farm will be offered via Live In-person and Online Auction by the "Choice & Privilege" auction method on March 25th, 10:00 AM. Bids can be made online by registering through the First Mid Ag Service’s mobile app or firstmidag.bidwrangler.com. Pre-bidding will be available between March 11th and March 25th with the Live Call beginning at 10 AM, Tuesday, March 25th at Evergreen FS 402 North Hershey Road Bloomington, IL. For more information, please contact Broker, Phillip Rich at 309-665-0957, or Auctioneer, David Klein in our Bloomington office, at 309-665-0961.

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