First Mid Ag Services, a Division of First Mid Wealth Management Company, is chartered in the State of Illinois and offers a wide range of financial products and personal services to its clientele. Our company is licensed as a Corporate Real Estate Broker (License #078 0010890) and sells farmland throughout the state of Illinois. Over 320 successful auctions have been completed since being licensed in the fall of 1990. Additionally, a number of farms have been sold by private treaty. Farms have been sold in 49 Illinois counties totaling more than 178,000 acres for over a Billion Dollars. David E. Klein, AFM, ALC serves as the managing real estate broker for our company and spends time selling farmland by private treaty and public sale throughout this territory. He is assisted by 31 licensed real estate brokers located in seven Central Illinois offices specializing in farmland sales.
Soy Capital Ag Services is in compliance with the Auction Law which went into effect in Illinois as of January 1, 2000. David is a licensed as an Auctioneer with license number 441001928 and the company is licensed as an Auction Firm # 444000324.
Land Broker Co-op assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained herein. Information contained herein has been provided by either the property owner or the listing broker and is assumed to be accurate and reliable. Buyers acknowledge, and shall assume full responsibility for verification of all information contained herein.