Is it Safe to Buy Land on Ebay?

Buying land on Ebay is just as safe as buying land from any other source as long as you do your due diligence. Regardless of where you buy land, you always want to make sure that you use competent professionals (ie. brokers, attorneys, title companies, etc.) to help you with your due diligence. Never buy land site unseen. Even if you have seen photos of the property. Pictures are worth a thousand words but pictures also lie. It is too easy to present a property in the best light and leave out glaring faults using pictures.

It is always best to physically inspect the property. You can always put land for sale under contract with contingencies for inspection, financing, and other  diligence concerns such as environmental considerations, zoning, tax implications, etc. This is where having good professionals assisting you pays off. They are familiar with issues that might arise when buying land. Also, just because land is for sale and listed by a licensed broker dos not make it safe to assume that the property does not have issues that can cause you headaches or even legal issues in the long run.

When buying land, whether it s on Ebay, through a broker or through private treaty, always protect yourself by using competent professionals, doing your due diligence, and physically inspecting the property. If you follow these three simple tips you will save yourself a lot of headaches.

Best of luck and Happy Buying!

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