How To Make Money off Your Land

how to make money off your land

Whether you already own land, are looking to invest, or add on, you no doubt would like to generate some income, or extra income from it. No matter how large, or small, a property and what area of the country you live in, there are a variety of ways to make money off your land. A lot of it depends upon your interests, time, and dedication.

If you have farmland, timberland, fishing property, hunting land or rangeland, diversity is pretty much the case these days. Don’t put all of your land into one particular type of production but consider how to diversify. Here are some ideas.

Overnight Lodging

Most people who have any amount of land enjoy their privacy, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t gregarious. If you enjoy people, there are many extra venture ideas for the landowner.

If you own a family farm, a cattle ranch, or recreational property, consider developing a bed and breakfast, adding cabins, or an RV park. The idea of visiting a working farm or ranch, or a private fishing or hunting lodge continues to be an enticement getaway for those nearby and from out of the area. RV parks are always needed where there isn’t already an abundance of them, for overnight, weekend, or longer stays by the road-weary or those that just want a break from home. Add a swimming pool, ATV track, or other attraction for all ages. Allowing pets will be an even larger draw.

Fishing and Hunting Events

Whether you want to have overnight visitors or just daytime ones, and have property rich with lakes, ponds, and/or streams abundant with fish, considering starting an annual or semi-annual fishing derby. Offer different classes and provide prizes for the largest catches, most catches, etc. In the fall, have a turkey shoot with participants shooting at targets, offering dressed turkeys for the best shots, etc. The same can be done for archery contests.

Day or Evening Activities

If you have an old barn, remodel it and rent it out for weddings, dances, and other special events. Maybe add a gazebo and garden area to enrich the area.

Utilize some extra farmland to plant a pumpkin patch, berry patch, or apple, or cherry orchard. Offer “u-pick” berries, cherries, or apples in season. Open up the pumpkin patch for seasonal events. Add a petting zoo, a train ride, or a corn maze for extra attention. You don’t need to be open daily either, just three or four days a week including weekends. If you bake, add pumpkin pies, breads, or muffins, and they’ll keep coming back for more.

Plant an iris or tulip garden, open it to the public in season and sell small flowering plants, rhizomes or bulbs. You can also sell bulbs and rhizomes on the internet and ship them during the correct planting season.

Livestock for Rent

We mentioned a petting zoo at your pumpkin patch, but you can also keep petting zoo animals and take them to local events, or birthday parties. If you want to keep a small herd of goats, they will not only keep your own property weed free, but you can also rent them out as an environmentally-friendly alternative to weed control and creating fire control areas.

Speaking of livestock, if you have extra unused land, you can always lease it out to a cattle or sheep rancher for part of the year, or on an annual lease. You will have the benefit of enjoying the animals and not having to care for them.

Farmers Markets, Online Sales

Another common way to make money off your land is by small scale cultivation. No matter what type of crops you grow, you can expand upon ordinary sales. Add some chicken houses with room for the egg layers to feed on the range. Viola, range-fed chicken eggs are in big demand, and you can sell them at local farmers markets, or even a roadside stand.

And speaking of, check out the local farmers markets. See what is missing and plant accordingly. Anytime you can fill a unique niche, you’ll find buyers for your products.

If you have orchards, consider managing your own bees. Bottle or can honey, especially that on the comb.

Getting back to those goats, you could also set up a small goat dairy. Goat’s milk is popular, especially for those of us whose digestive systems don’t tolerate cow milk. You can also make goat’s milk soaps to sell over the internet.

The only limit to utilizing your acreage is your imagination, well and maybe zoning. Make sure your property is zoned for any alternative use, and also check out insurance coverage and costs. There are so many different things you can do, although some are more profitable than others. But since you have or are purchasing land to enjoy your own property, you have to consider what is not only profitable but fun for you and your family.

If you are looking for land in any state, visit the pages of Land Broker MLS and see what is available. We are not agents ourselves, but rather a co-op of listings by various agents with properties from an acre or two, to hundreds of acres of farm, grazing, and recreational land.

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