When buying land, whether it is raw acreage, ranches, farms, or just recreational land, there are many factors you should be aware of. Many times problems can be remedied prior to the closing. Taking a little extra time to do your due diligence will save you a lot of headaches in the feature. It is always better to discover problems while they are still someone elses.
When looking at farms for sale, you want to make sure that you consider your needs and make sure the property meets those needs. Factors to consider include, water supplies and quality, location relative to markets, possible annexation, change of use, soil quality, growth corridors, eminent domain, zoning, and government regulatory agencies.
Many of these factors can affect other types of land and you should be aware of them. It is good to utilize professionals such as Real Estate Brokers and attorneys who are knowledgeable in these areas.
When looking for farm land for sale in Colorado, it is a must to have someone who is knowledgeable in Colorado water rights. Colorado uses the rule of prior appropriation for determining water rights and Colorado water rights can be very complicated. In many cases, you will want to enlist the services of a good attorney with extensive experience in water rights issues. Good land brokers are also very helpful in identifying potential issues with water rights.