The Beauty of West Virginia's Land
John Denver referred to it as "Almost Heaven." No doubt, many West Virginians agree. He sang about the state's, "Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River." While it is rather a small state, 41st in size and measuring 24,230 square miles, it is a beautiful one rich with forests next to beautiful hunting land for sale in WV.
56.47 acres
12.71 acres
10.82 acres
75.59 acres
Ripley, WV 25271
31.89 acres
Cross Lanes, WV 25313
4.91 acres
Topography and Geography
West Virginia is mountainous and hilly attracting mining and logging opportunities in its past and some still today. The state is a large salt producer and of course, is well known for its history with the coal industry, which remains the largest mining product here. Logging continues to be active in the state, though now with stricter regulations and licensing.
Its Blue Ridge Mountains are a part of the Appalachian Range. The Shenandoah River is a tributary of the Potomac and runs from the Shenandoah and Page valleys into the Potomac near Harpers Ferry. LandBroker Co-op has a variety of land for sale in West Virginia in this area.
Natural and Manmade Landmarks and Tourism
When here you don't have to look far to find West Virginia's beauty. Blackwater Falls serve as the centerpiece of a State Park of the same name. This waterfall cascades 62-feet from the Canaan Valley before the river winding its way through Blackwater Canyon.
The New River Gorge National River, maintained by the National Park Service, is in the southern part of the state. Drivers traveling along U.S. Route 19 will cross over the 3,030' long steel-arch bridge, 876' above the river. It was once the world's longest single-span-arched bridge, and remains near the top of the list, now as the fourth longest. It is also currently the third highest bridge in the country and is registered with the National Register of Historic Places.
Land for Sale in West Virginia
While obviously some of these National and State treasures are owned and managed by the U.S. and the State of West Virginia, there is quite a bit of neighboring forests and timberland in private hands including river land with great fishing, as well as mountain retreats, land with acreage, and hunting lands for sale to enjoy in West Virginia to enjoy.
The mountains also attract a lot of winter sports and property available includes hills for sledding and ponds for ice skating, while being close to winter ski resorts. You may find a resort for sale too, or you can develop your own, if you're so inclined. Some land for sale in West Virginia may be perfect to develop and open a B&B or cabin retreat. Or perhaps, you'll find one these for sale that's already operating.
West Virginia's agricultural commodities largely come from the livestock industry. Mainly young chickens, eggs, turkeys, beef, and sheep and lambs are raised on family farms. Hay is grown for livestock feed, some by those also raising the animals; some by outside, independent farmers. Apples, peaches, soybeans, and tobacco are also grown in the state. Some of this farmland is also listed for sale on a regular basis.
State Capital and Other Cities
Charleston, with a population just under 50,000, is the capital of West Virginia. It has the highest population of cities within the state. Charleston has a deep root in U.S. history dating back to Fort Lee being built there in 1787.
Huntington follows as a close second in population with around 49,000 residents, and the third highest number of residents is in the City is Morgantown, a college town and home to West Virginia University with a permanent population of 39,000.
Civil War, Historical Facts, and Trivia
Buy Land in West Virginia
When looking for beautiful land for sale in West Virginia, look no further than the pages of Land Broker Co-op. For brokers with land for sale in the state or anywhere else in the country, consider listing with The Land Broker Co-op to draw additional attention to your listings. Contact us today!