The Birthplace of a Nation
Virginia is often referred to as the "Birthplace of a Nation," a nickname it earned because it was not only the location of Jamestown, Great Britain's first surviving colony in North America, but also Roanoke, which was Great Britain's first North American colony which mysteriously disappeared. Since those early days, Virginia has found itself at the heart of many historically significant moments.
Virginia is a popular place. More than 8 million people call the state home, making it the 12th most populated state in the nation and the 13th most densely populated.
125.72 acres
Ruther Glen, VA 22546
21.97 acres
Williamsburg, VA 23188
35.976 acres
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
2,317 acres
Williamsburg, VA 23187
69.98 acres
Woodford, VA 22580
2,712 acres
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Land for Sale in Virginia
The land in Virginia isn't boring. The combination of rolling mountains, valleys, and beachfront properties means a heavily varied topography that makes each parcel of land interesting. Virginian properties with the highest elevations are found in Grayson County, which is frequently called the "Roof of Virginia." Not only does Grayson County have the highest average elevation in the state, but also has the tallest peaks in the state, including Whitetop Mountain, Mount Rogers, and Pine Mountain.
Land for sale in Virginia with the lowest points is found near the Atlantic coastline and along the Chesapeake Bay. Cities with the highest population are:
The reasons people love living in Virginia include:
Farming in Virginia
The fertile Pamunkey soil, excellent infrastructure, and proximity to large cities make farming in Virginia appealing. Virginia's average farm is 181 acres and there are approximately 44,800 farms in the state. The 25.3 million acres of Virginia's land mass that's dedicated to agriculture equals 32% of the state. Virginia welcomes women farmers, who represent about 17% of the primary farm owners in the state. Family farms make up approximately 90% of Virginia's farming community. For every single dollar spent on food, the state's farmers receive about $0.16. The state's agriculture community generates approximately $3.8 billion in revenue.
The best growing conditions for crops in Virginia is in the Northwestern portion of the state, while dairy farms thrive in Central Virginia.
Virginia's leading agriculture industries are:
Virginia's Economy
Due to the state's enormous size, Virginia's economy is quite diverse. Most people aren't surprised to learn that the state depends heavily on revenue generated by tourism, agriculture, and politics, but they're stunned to learn that one of the state's top industries is aerospace. Virginia is home to approximately 200 different firms who specialize in various aspects of aerospace. Virginia's aerospace program employs about 30,000 people and is tasked with fulfilling multiple government contracts.
Technology development, particularly the development of nanotechnology and biotechnology are very important to Virginia's economy. The creation and exportation of computer chips make technology one of the leading contributors to the state's economy.
There are multiple bases for each branch of the military in Virginia. The task of fulfilling the troops needs, plus supporting the visitors and families the troops bring in represents a boom to the state's economy. The military is so important to Virginia, it's one of the state's top five industries.
Mining remains an important part of Virginia's economy. There are an estimated 400 active mines in the state which are relied on for gravel, stone, and sand. Other minerals found in the state include:
The diversity of Virginia's economy makes it a good place to live for individuals who are interested in white or blue-collar careers.
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