Connecticuts Geography and Climate
Located in the Northeast, Connecticut is a rather small state spanning under 5,000 square miles. Its capital is Hartford with a population of 123,400. Bridgeport, on the Atlantic coast, is a bit larger with a population nearing 148,000. Stamford and New Haven each have populations between 125,000 and 131,000 people. Away from those urban populations, Connecticut has a lot of land for sale where timber, agriculture, and recreation can be found.
Connecticut is an interesting blend of bays and inlets, small islands, beaches, and river estuaries. In the central to the western portion of the state, you find hills and low mountains which are heavily forested with small, narrow valleys. Its low point is at sea level, along parts of its shoreline. The highest natural point is Mt. Frissell at 2,380 feet above sea level. The state is broken down into eight counties.
The weather here is relatively mild. The mean temperature in January is in the mid-20s, a little warmer along the coast. And, the mean summer temps are in the high 70s to mid-80s. Hartford, which lies almost center in the state, sees about 49 inches of rainfall each year, and an average of 38 inches of snow.
110 acres
Easton, CT 6612
29 acres
Branford, CT 6405
115.73 acres
Harwinton, CT 6791
26.16 acres
Orange, CT 6477
67 acres
North Haven, CT 6473
5.86 acres
Middletown, CT 6457
Land and Connecticut Commodities
About 60 percent of Connecticut's land is forested. The timber industry brings more than $2.1 billion into the state each year. Forest forms of recreation add an additional $1 billion. Some of the recreation land for sale in Connecticut includes deer hunting and freshwater fishing.
Connecticut has its croplands and grazing lands. Nursery and greenhouse products account for about 45 percent of the state's agricultural income. Other top crops include tobacco and hay. Specialty crops include Christmas tree farms and syrup production. While the number of dairy farmers in the state has decreased in the past several decades, there are still about 100 dairies in the state with a total of approximately 20,000 cows. There are quite a few egg-laying farms, many of which boast cage-free chickens. Finding land for sale in Connecticut is a great move for those looking to start a farm.
Aquaculture is another important component of Connecticut's agricultural income, utilizing some 50,000 acres in Long Island Sound. It is a leading producer of oysters and clams in the country. There is no shortage of finding farms and horse properties for sale in Connecticut.
Other important sources of income within the state include the manufacture of aircraft parts, helicopters, and transportation equipment, as well as military equipment, pharmaceuticals, and electrical equipment.
Connecticut Facts and Quirks
The name, Connecticut, comes from the Native American Mohegan tribe language meaning "beside the long river." The Connecticut River measures approximately 410 miles.
Connecticut was the fifth state admitted to the Union in 1788. It is known as the Constitution State as much of the US Constitution was based on The Fundamental Orders, the early laws formed for the state. It is home to the US Coast Guard Academy. Many inventions took place here including the helicopter, the sewing machine, the revolver, the cotton gin, and vulcanized rubber used for tires.
The Hartford Courant is the oldest continuous newspaper in the country, first published in 1764. Here, George Washington advertised a partial lease of Mount Vernon. Thomas Jefferson sued the paper for libel but lost. Hamburger fans should know that the first hamburger was created in Louis' Lunch Sandwich Shop in New Haven, around the turn of the 20th century.
Following the arrival of William Russell Frisbie to take over what would become the Frisbie Pie Company in 1871 in Bridgeport, students from nearby Yale University found the tins the pies were cooked in were easy to fly from one to another and called out "Frisbie" to the intended recipient. Thus became the first Frisbees, which later were manufactured in plastic by Wham-O.
What Connecticut Land is For Sale?
One-acre to a few-acre lots are generally available throughout the state. Larger acreages of 50+ or more are harder to find, but they are out there, especially when looking for timber or forested property. Some land for sale in Connecticut is ready for building with local water and sewer access. Other properties may already have a home or cabin built on the property.
When looking for investment, income, recreational, or retirement property, LandBroker MLS has some great CT Farms, Ranches & Acreage Lots for Sale. For those interested in featuring their land for sale in Connecticut here, and to learn more about what the LandBroker MLS co-op has to offer, fill out our information form and contact us. Get started today!