Land Investing – What You Need to Know Before You Buy

Investing in land offers unique opportunities, but we all know the process is far from simple. With so many different aspects to cover, it’s crucial you are constantly up-to-date on key factors to ensure you are investing in the right property. Let’s explore some critical factors that can instantly boost your land investment knowledge!

Know the Land’s True Value
Understanding a parcel’s value is more nuanced than checking its price tag. Look beyond market rates and consider factors like soil quality, location growth potential, and comparable sales history. AcreValue offers land value maps and sales data that can help you gauge real market value, reducing the guesswork.

Soil Quality and Land Productivity
If you’re investing in agricultural land, soil quality is crucial. Not all soils are created equal. Properties with poor soil may not yield strong returns. AcreValue’s soil data layer give detailed insights into productivity ratings, helping you assess the land’s agricultural potential.

Accessibility and Infrastructure
Access to utilities, roads, and other infrastructure impacts both the current value and long-term appreciation of land. Is there reliable road access? Are water, electricity, and internet already connected or nearby? The cost of adding these later can significantly affect your ROI.

Zoning, Easements, and Land Use Regulations
Even seasoned investors can overlook zoning laws and land use restrictions. Is the land zoned for your intended purpose? Easements, which allow others to use part of your land for a specific reason (like utility access), could also affect your plans. Investigate any restrictions before purchasing to avoid future headaches.

Environmental and Conservation Issues
Land investors must also be aware of environmental concerns such as wetlands or protected habitats. Restrictions related to environmental protection can limit development opportunities. Furthermore, land that qualifies for carbon credits may offer an additional revenue stream. AcreValue allows you to evaluate environmental factors that could impact both profitability and conservation efforts.

Future Market Trends
Finally, stay ahead of market trends. Factors like local population growth, nearby developments, or upcoming infrastructure projects can dramatically change land values. AcreValue’s Market Explorer helps you stay informed and allows you to strategically position yourself for long-term appreciation.

By understanding these key elements, you can mitigate risks and maximize returns on your land investment. Now you’re ready to get out there and find that perfect property!

This article is contributed by our partner AcreValue as part of National Land Investment Month 2024

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